AllStar Node 42235, Raleigh, NC has the ability to bridge DMR Systems using TGIF Network

TGIF AllStar-DV Bridge Node 512290 is for the Carolina 440 System and it is connected Full Time to AllStar 42235.  It has Multi-Connect ability with other digital modes.  Click on the URL links and icons below for details.

System Fusion: We have a AllStar-System Fusion Bridge "YSF2DMR-440" connection on
ID  316388710           Search:   TGIF C440                           

Dashboard for NC-HAM DMR Network:

                                                          TGIF Network:

                                                                            TGIF Prime:

                                                             TGIF Hot Spot Video:

                                                              Best Hot Spots PERIOD:

                             NC-HAM DMR Network Dashboard Carolina 440: 
                                                              NC4ES Dashboard:

                                               NC4ES Cluster:

      TGIF Network, Carolina 440 Talk Group 440 (C440 Link System): 

    TGIF Network, Carolina 440 Black Sheep (Hot Spot only) Talk Group 442: 

TGIF DMR Network   * ASL Bridge to UHF repeaters is KO4CYN AllStar Node 512290.

We have a DMR Talk Group on the TGIF Network, TG# 440 (Carolina 440D) We have developed the Carolina 440 System Bridge to the TGIF Network which will connect to the C440 UHF link system, this will be FM analog and DMR mix. 

If you have a DMR Hot Spot you can access the TGIF Network.  If you add the TGIF Talk Group # 440 you will be able to connect to the Carolina 440 UHF Link System with this Talk Group.

DMR Contact info you need to enter in your contact list for the Carolina 440 DMR-AllStar Bridge 512290:

SECN Call Sign is KO4CYN and the DMR ID is: 3163887

Radio ID:!
Name:        Carolina 440 SYS  DMR Remote Base ID# 311076   

Call Type:   Private
Call Alert:   None
City:           Raleigh
Repeater:  441.725   K4JDR/R  DMR ID used is: 3163887
State:         North Carolina
Country:     USA
Remarks:   C440 Bridge

Carolina 440 Talk Groups

Suggested Name in color blue

TGIF Network Group:  Carolina 440D  ( C440D RPT System )  TGID# 440, Color Code 1, Repeater DMR Slot

TGIF Network Group:  Carolina 442D  ( Black Sheep ) TGID# 442, Color Code 1, Repeater DMR Slot 2  

You can create a Zone for TGIF or Mix in with a Zone for Carolina 440.

Links to TGIF and other DMR information:

Recommended Equipment:

TGIF Hot Spots are available to purchase or you can build your own.  Jumbo Spots using Pi-Zero and Hot Spots using Raspberry Pi III. 

More information can be found at:        

Video on TGIF Hot Spot with a display:

AllStar/DMR Hot Spots:  Clear Node 

The Clear node bridges analog to Digital using AllStar System


Carolina 440 TG 440: 

Carolina 440 TG 442: 

TGIF Facebook Page:

TGIF Hot Spots:


Hub Link DMR Dashboard:

XLX Multiprotocol Gateway Reflector:

EHPC NC4ES Dashboard Last Heard:    /

NC4ES:        /

Brandmeister DMR Network: 

AllStar info:

NC PRN DMR Network:

Please support your local Repeater Groups and TGIF Network

Other DMR AllStar Analog Bridges info

KV4S info site:

DMR to AllStar Bridge info:

AllStar Clear Node:  


©2001-2018 Carolina 440 UHF Link System, A Non-Profit Division of Southeastern Emergency Communications Network, Corp. All rights reserved.
Ronnie J. Casey • K4JDR at • 84 Angie Road Raleigh, NC 27603-7336
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