Carolina 440 UHF System Repeaters   * Red indicates "special notes"  Blue is HyperLinks.

HERE for Repeater Book Listing                                                Click HERE for our AllStar links connected                       

You will need to use PL Encode on all repeaters to access; PL Decode (CTCSS) is optional, but can be used on all Carolina 440 repeaters except Angier 444.650 which presently does not have a PL Tone board.  If PL decode is used on the Raleigh 441.725+ Hub you will not hear the announcements and controller responses.  Using PL Decode on all other Repeaters is recommended as it will eliminate the UHF signals you may hear from adjacent UHF repeaters and when you are mobile in high RF areas with intermodulation, or when signals are emitted from electronics at businesses, stores, fuel stations, etc.

Also REMEMBER when on any of the repeaters, to talk after pressing the PTT for at least 2 seconds to allow rise time for PL Tones and short audio delay, "a 2 second transmission will not be heard".  This is normal even with any single repeater with PL tone to have a rise time, but it can be three times as long with the RF Linked repeaters, so at least 2 to 3 seconds should be sufficient.    THANKS!


Frequency Tone  CALL Location Notes
441.725+ 100.0 PL K4JDR


5707 Chapel Hill Road

Backbone Hub Repeater

Backbone Hub, AllStar# 42235, auto connects to K4FXC Cape Fear-Wilmington Hub # 2285.

KO4CYN AllStar/DMR Bridge 512290   

IRLP 4270 auto connects to REF 9210.  

P25 Bridge to W4BAD System ASL 464295    Analog Links

EchoLink Carolina 440 Server 42704.

YSF2DMR-440 TG# 316313610   

                Search:   TGIF C440 

          (Repeater has No Hang Time)

Link to NC4ES Repeaters with DMR TS 1 TG 440 

Ham Shack Hotline: RF Link: 94125

Audio Feeds:

Talk Group AllStar - NC 440

442.250+ 107.2 PL N1RIK McCain, NC


(Antenna pattern Omni)      RF Link 

442.425+ 100.0 PL K4OBX Buxton, NC (OBX)

*VoIP Link Full Time on IRLP 8536 to REF 9210
   Repeater and IRLP Temporarily Down until Fall 2023       Tower

444.200+ 107.2 PL N1RIK Carthage, NC
*VoIP Link AllStar full Time 2285 via RF Remote 

443.100+ 100.0 PL W4RLH Chalyabeate Springs, NC
Full time day, on Demand after 1925 hrs  RF Link 
443.450+ 100.0 PL K4JDR Cane Creek Mtn / Snow Camp, NC
(Antenna Pattern North) Low pwr 18 Watts  RF Link
 (Plans for new repeater in future, Fall/Winter 2023)

444.000+ 100 PL K4JDR Archers Lodge/Selma

  RF Link, Spring 2024

444.025+ 100.0 PL K4JDR Benson, NC  RF Link
Off the air temporarily.  Pending new site


100.0 PL


RTP/Morrisville at CISCO

*VoIP Link Off Line pending new VoIP link with AllStar




 100 PL


131.8 PL




Bodie Island, NC (OBX)


Buxton (OBX)

Bodie Island Temp Off Line until Spring/Summer 2023.  Antenna replacement needed waiting on Tower Riggers on the Navy/Coast guard Tower. 
Repeater ready to install.  Bodie Island AllStar 47731.


*VoIP Link Buxton  AllStar 464291 are linked full time to the Carolina 440 System Via the  Wilmington Cape Fear Hub 2285.


444.150+ 100.0 PL KF4AUF Selma, NC
TEMP off the air, new RPT and site, 2023  RF Link

444.200+ 107.2 PL N1RIK Taylortown, NC    

 ASL Link 539331   Link on Demand via RF Remote 

444.275+ 100 PL KC4WDI Pineview, NC

UNDER CONSTR. (Thieves damaged coax) RF Link

444.325+ 100.0 PL KF4AUF Holly Springs, NC

(Antenna pattern Omni)      RF Link

Repeater on Back up antenna-reduced coverage
444.375+ 100.0 PL K4JDR Henderson, NC
(Antenna pattern North East)     On Back up Repeater until main with RF Link repeater is repaired.
Using Limited WiFi Coverage with KF4AUF AllStar 42242


100 PL

67.0 PL

Fayetteville, NC

Wilmington, NC

*VoIP Link, AllStar Wilmington Cape Fear Hub 2285
CFARS Club Repeater  On Line October 2022, currently connected  during Nets and on weekends.

*VoIP Link on Demand AllStar, Wilmington Hub 2285
  Temporarily off the Air.

444.550+ 100.0 PL K4JDR Coats, NC
On Air, New antenna installed February 20, 2023    
RF Link   (on Air March 1, 2023) 
APRS Site also-KO4CYN-1


 88.5 PL

107.2 PL

Angier, NC

Pinehurst, NC

(Antenna pattern Omni) RF Link. 

 Moore Co. Regional Hospital, Full Time Link ASL 539330
via RF Remote.

444.775+ 100.0 PL K4JDR Cary, NC

(Antenna pattern  North)  PA is out,   RF Link  Taken off the Air until repeater antenna is replaced.

New Antenna replacement ready for riggers.

444.875+ 100.0 PL KF4AUF Wendell, NC

(Tower shaded W-NW, antenna pattern SE)   RF Link
Shading in Knightdale direction and Northwest-West from the site at Buffolo Rd and Turnipseed Road.

444.850+ 88.5 PL N4ILM Winnabow, NC *VoIP Link *Link on Demand by N4ILM Control Ops.
Wilmington AllStar Hub 2285 connection.

444.925+ 94.8 PL K4JDR

Durham, NC

(Ant pattern South)    RF Link 
100 Watt PA out for repairs, presently running 25 Watts.


Frequency Tone  CALL Location Notes
*145.330- 100.0 PL K4JDR Goldsboro, NC

(Ant pattern N-NE) *VHF repeater RF Linked to C440
  * TEMP Down until Spring/Summer 2024.
Waiting on riggers to install new antenna.
New Repeater under construction, 2024.

*145.510 100.0 PL KO4CYN Holly Ridge, NC

Full Time ASL 464292, Link Wilmington HUB 2285

Simplex Repeater.   10 Watts (VoIP Link)

*145.510 110.9 PL K4JDR  Cleveland, NC - 50/42


On Demand Link

ASL 464293 Link to Wilmington Hub 2285

Simplex Repeater.     10 Watts (VoIP Link)


Frequency Tone  CALL Location Notes
* 446.450 100.0 PL K4JDR Portable AllStar 464290
and 464294.


Carolina 440 portable AllStar (Back up C440 System)
Frequency Agile Portable AllStar.

* 446.075 100 PL KF4AUF Portable AllStar 42242


Carolina 440 portable AllStar Freq Agile Backup repeater.

W4BAD Repeater Link System Linkable using AllStar 52523:  BM TG310068   /   YSF73465 US-W4BAD

Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location State County Call   Modes  
145.1700 -0.6 MHz  100.0 / CSQ Oxford   NC Granville  W4BAD   FM AllStar EchoLink

145.3700 -0.6 MHz  System Fusion Durham   NC Durham  W4BAD  

441.6750 +5 MHz  100.0 Roxboro Hub   NC Person  W4BAD   FM AllStar EchoLink  


+5 MHz
P25 TG 27565

Raleigh, Downtown


P25 Link On Demand to Analog Bridge 464295.


P25 – Phase I, Full Time Links       

Raleigh, NC W4BAD P25 Audio Feed: 

145.370 Durham N.C.

443.175 Raleigh N.C.

444.575 Roxboro N.C.

147.360 Durham N.C Now Online DMR Linked


Simplex Links

Coming Soon

Repeaters DMR

146.970 (Testing)

See additional at:   

NC4ES DMR Link to Carolina 440 System Talk Group 440 Dynamic TS-1          

Repeater Info:             NC4ES Cluster:

OCRA Repeaters Linkable on demand with AllStar

AllStar connections to the Carolina 440 System on demand we suggest connecting to Cape Fear 2285 Server instead of directly to our 42235.  Your node will need to be added on our white list in order to connect.  email me at k4jdr at juno dot com with your node number.

AllStar Audio Feeds:   

Cary Fire-Rescue, Wake County, Johnston County:    

                                                                    KO4CYN-1 Coats APRS 144.390 Digipeater


                  APRS Repeater site map >                                          POWER Outages Duke Energy


                                            NC4CD-1 Clinton APRS 144.390 Digipeater


18 Repeaters are on the Raleigh Carolina 440 UHF Link System  full time covering over 45,000 square miles of mobile coverage. In addition to the RF Linked repeaters
*Expandable coverage using IRLP, AllStar and EchoLink are available. 

on You Tube.

The UHF Link System also has EchoLink, Node 42704 and it is available to connect with other repeater systems in the US.  The Raleigh System requires a prefix code of 4 #  Then the normal node number all in one stream.  In-Bound International stations are blocked and only United States, United Nations, Marshall Islands, Belize and Japan connections can be made.  Temporary Request can be made.

Contact K4JDR for access to EchoLink other than through the repeaters.  Questions and request can be sent to:
k4jdr at Give the EchoLink call sign and info in your request note. Entering TouchTone® 4 1 1 will give info over the air on our the local repeaters.

AllStar Node is 42235 and is connected to the KB4FXC, Cape Fear Hub 2285 full time. Systems Presently only Control Ops can link on Demand the Winnabow/Wilmington Repeaters. 

AllStar Bridge to DMR on the TGIF Network:

The Cisco club repeater 444.075+ 100 PL is at RTP on the Cisco Systems Building and can be linked to the Carolina 440 System providing additional technological abilities with Cisco including Instant Connect technology, Formerly (IPICS).
The repeaters are also used for local and regional Emergency Communications involving:
State and County AUXCOMM/ARES
, NWS / SKYWARN programs , (Community Emergency Response Team) CERT programs  and Amateurs in the Public Safety Sector of NC K-9 ERT (Canine Emergency Response Team), Wake Canine Search and Rescue and NC USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) Task Force Communications Group.  Our link system is also used for many Public Service events and more info on those events charities can be viewed at: 

The Emergency auto patch * 911 is available to Raleigh 911 from all local RF systems.  The local area auto patch is available through user group membership in the Raleigh system. 

Other Repeaters & Projects                                                      

TGIF DMR Network 

We have a DMR Talk Group on the TGIF Network, TG# 440 (Carolina 440D)  We have a AllStar-DMR Bridge to the Carolina 440 System which is a analog and digital mix.  If you have a DMR Hot Spot you can access the Talk Group number 440 if you add the TGIF Network.

We also have AllStar-DMR Bridge to to certain NC Brandmeister Repeaters and Talk Groups.

More information can be found at:    and

Carolina 440 Hub Streaming Audio Feed

AllStar streaming audio from Raleigh Hub:

K4JDR, Johnston County P-25, Cary Fire-Rescue P25, Wake County Digital/P25:

VHF Repeater

145.330 - 100 PL  K4JDR Goldsboro, NC   

The Goldsboro/Rosewood repeater is on the link full time.  It covers all of Wayne County with 50 Watt mobile coverage and covers up to 25 miles out.  The 3db antenna is at 275 feet on the 30° NE side of the tower.  440 Link functions are available on the repeater to access IRLP, AllStar, EchoLink and control.

VHF Repeaters

146.775- 88.5PL KD4RAA Fairgrounds Repeater, NC State Student Amateur Radio Society.
SECN supports, Host and helps maintain the STARS VHF repeater. Its at 320 feet level on the Northeast side of the tower and is in a shared cabinet with the Backbone Hub repeater.  It also has a remote base to additional repeaters including a way to connect to the AllStar System.

W4ATC web site:                  Back on the Air August 2024

224.700+ 100.0 PL
  K4JDR, Coats/Benson (Antenna pattern omni with shading to the north-northeast toward Raleigh/Garner, Stand alone 1.25 cm with remote base to the Carolina 440 UHF link system on demand if needed Emergencies only.  SECN/Carolina 440 Sponsored and supported by Tri-County Repeater Group.  

Repeater on the air Sept. 26, 2004.  Click here for pictures.  Back on the air 10 May 2023 

N1RIK Repeaters on the link

Moore County area:

W4BAD Repeater Link System:

NC4ES Repeaters:

N4DBM Repeaters:

HamShack HotLine 


Hamshack Hotline RF Link Raleigh Hub:  94125

GMRS: Raleigh, 462.725+ 100 PL Fairgrounds ON the AIR.

Cary 462.675+141.3 PL and Pineview 462.600+156.7 PL.  OFF the AIR.  

GMRS Frequency INFO:

NOTE: GMRS Back up after all the Repairs made on the Coax and antennas.  

My GMRS Web Site:

Drone video links of damage:

Drone videos of Repairs:

Crew Climbing
New Antenna Install
Tower Crew @ Top of Tower / 360 View
Tower Crew showing bent connector.
Tower Crew starting to remove old antenna
Final 360 / Top to Bottom after repairs

Complete Drone Videos, YouTube Page direct:


My GMRS web Site:

GMRS Dashboards:  

GMRS MESH Network:

VHF 10 Meter Beacon
28.298.8 mhz 

10_meter_beacon details   

The Carolina 440 feed URL is: 

NOAA Weather Radio audio stream
The Weather Radio Station WNG-706 located near Garner, NC on 162.450 mhz is broadcasted over the 
internet.  Weather Underground  has a list of cities throughout the US with NOAA Weather audio streams.  We have a weather Alert Radio interfaced through a weather station computer hosted by Ronald Ford, W4RJF using Oddcast ver 3 software.  

The WX radio URL is: Temporarily down

Ronnie, W4RJF also provides the Southern Wake Weather at:     Temporarily down   

The Carolina 440 Weather page is at:  (Temporarily down)

Zello talk group (HamNet) for smart phone or IP radio     Amateur License Only Talk Group and Zello for anyone.

Raleigh Repeater 462.725+ 100 PL  

NC Network HUB 2099

K9RDU Frequency File List of Local Repeaters for CHIRP.  He has compiled links to these documents on his Call Sign QRZ lookup page at:

Cary Fire-Rescue audio feed

Feed URL: 

Johnston County Aviation audio feed

We support ADS-B Flight Tracker to enhance Aircraft location in case of Emergency.

ADS-B Flight Tracker Contributor


K4JDR_ADSBX_SDR_bndl:  (NW Johnston County) KJNX2=

K4JDR_KOAJ_ADSBX_SDR_bndl:  (Holly Ridge, NC) KOAJ2=

K4JDR_KRDU_ADSBX_SDR_bndl: (Raleigh, Falls Lake) KRDU=

N4LLZ_ADSB:  (Magee's Crossroads) KJNX1=


Click Here for Flight Tracker Global Data:

Flight RADAR:,-78.81/8

ADSB-Receiver Maps:


Duke Energy Power Outage Map Click HERE.

Lightning Strike Map Click HERE.

©2001-2018 Carolina 440 UHF Link System, A Non-Profit Division of Southeastern Emergency Communications Network, Corp. All rights reserved.
Ronnie J. Casey • K4JDR at • 84 Angie Road Raleigh, NC 27603-7336
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