Click on AllStar Monitor below to see what's connected, click on pictures for the AllStar maps.  

ALLStar Monitor (Control Ops) 42235:View of AllStar Connections with

SuperMon2 Dash Board:
Click HERE

Additional Dashboards

AllStar Key Up Monitor: 

NC4ES Wide Area DMR Dashboard:

HB LINK Dashboard:

TGIF Network:

W4BAD P25 Dashboard: 

Ham Shack Hotline Dashboard: 

GMRS Dashboards:,4420,2356,4270,2099


EchoLink Dashboard

EchoLink Connections 

AllStar Carolina 440 Streaming Audio:

Duke Power Outage Map:


                       BACK to AllStar Information

AllStar Status List:  

           Carolina 440 Sys -

AllStar Node K4JDR 42235: 

AllStar Portable Node K4JDR 46429:

AllStar Portable Node KF4AUF 42242:

AllStar Node K4OBX Bodie Island 47731: 

AllStar Node K4OBX 464291:

AllStar Node KO4CYN Holly Ridge: 

AllStar Node KO4CYN Cleveland/NC 50-42: 

AllStar 45221 Columbus, Ga

Hamshack HotLine

Hamshack Hotline RF Link: 94125

Repeater Phone APP:

AllStar HamVoip info:

Hub Link DMR Dashboard:


©2001-2018 Carolina 440 UHF Link System, A Non-Profit Division of Southeastern Emergency Communications Network, Corp. All rights reserved.
Ronnie J. Casey • K4JDR at • 84 Angie Road Raleigh, NC 27603-7336
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