Click HERE for Node 4270 Status on REF 921

The Internet Radio Linking Project, also called IRLP, is a project that links amateur radio stations around the world by using Voice over IP (VoIP). Each gateway consists of a dedicated computer running custom software that is connected to both a radio and the Internet. This arrangement forms what is known as an IRLP Node.

Amateur radio operators within radio range of a local node are able to use DTMF tone generators to initiate a node-to-node connection with any other available node in the world.

Each node has a unique 4 digit node number in the range of 1000-8999. IRLP connections are of two types: node to node, and node to reflector.

Stations wishing to communicate with 3 or more nodes at the same time may accomplish this by connecting to what is called an IRLP Reflector. Reflectors are a type of conferencing system. Most reflectors on the network have 10 channels (0-9) with channel 0 being the main channel. Each reflector has a unique 4 digit node number in the range of 9000-9999. The first 3 digits consist of the reflector number, while the fourth digit represents the channel number.

In April 2007, there were 20 operational reflectors (including Echo Reflector 9990, which digitally records and plays back transmissions for testing purposes). Since most reflectors have 10 allotted channels, there are approximately 200 unique reflector channels available for use with 20 Reflectors.


IRLP Status:

Raleigh Reflector Channel Assignments:  Raleigh REF921 Channels

Reflector Connection Status

IRLP VCon:  

Raleigh System IRLP first to be use during Hurricane Lili 2002: 

IRLP Antarctica contact with Raleigh IRLP October 27, 2001:

Carolina 440 System IRLP Node 4270

IRLP Node 4270  Used for Emergency Reflector 921 Channel 0   for local linking to repeaters outside the RF coverage. Point to Point IRLP Linking can also be done; user access codes can be requested from repeater trustees or group members.  This VoIP technology can also be used with the emergency communications vehicles such as the CISCO, Network Emergency Response Vehicles (NERV). 

The repeaters are also used for local and regional Emergency Communications involving:
State and County AUXCOMM, ARES
, NWS / SKYWARN programs , (Community Emergency Response Team) CERT programs  and Amateurs in the Public Safety Sector of NC K9-ERT (Canine Emergency Response Team) and NC USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) Task Force Communications Group.  Our link system is also used for many Public Service events and more info on those events charities can be viewed at: 


The Emergency auto patch * 911 is available to Raleigh 911 from all local RF systems.  The local area auto patch is available through user group membership in the Raleigh area system.   

©2001-2018 Carolina 440 UHF Link System, A Non-Profit Division of Southeastern Emergency Communications Network, Corp. All rights reserved.
Ronnie J. Casey • K4JDR at • 84 Angie Road Raleigh, NC 27603-7336
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