(Voice Interoperability System for Amateur Radio)

VISAR is a Registered Trademark Name and LOGO in the Library of Congress for SECN/Carolina 440 Network.

The 441.725+ 100 PL repeater is the Backbone Hub for the UHF Link System, Other connective resources include IRLP 4270, AllStar 42235, EchoLink 42704, and a ASL-DMR Bridge 512290 on the TGIF Network.  ASL-P25 Bridge 464295.  The Raleigh Hub's controller is what supports the auto patch and other advanced functions for the Carolina 440 Raleigh Link System.  This system is what we call our Voice Interoperability System for Amateur Radio, VISAR©

We have provided a list of the "Repeaters on the Link" with their geographical location to guide you on what repeater would be best for you, based on your location.   The future plans are to link several more repeaters by the RF Link and use the Voice Over IP Link system to further extend repeaters that are out of the RF Coverage areas.   See the repeater list for the frequencies that are on the systems.       

Experimentation on other UHF linking possibilities will take place and it is subject to change.  We are going to try and cover as much as we can to the Raleigh backbone hub by using RF Links and our AllStar System Node 42235 by connecting full time to the KB4FXC Wilmington Cape Fear Hub 2285.  We also use the IRLP Raleigh, East Coast Reflector 921 on Reflector 921 Channel 0 for Regional Linking into a Core System.  

The DMR Digital on the TGIF Network has the ability to bridge systems on DMR and other digital formats.   


Cary CERT Event Hurricane Florence: https://www.ncdps.gov/blog/2018/09/24/nc-cert-teams-becoming-part-preparedness-culture

The Outer Banks Repeaters is also part of the Voice Over IP Links using AllStar and IRLP.  

Our Mission includes to set up VISAR similar to what the State of South Carolina has called SC HEARTS with State Wide Communications with Amateur Radio with emphasis on Emergency Communications and Regional Events.  Also in the State of Florida which has a State Amateur Radio Network called SARnet.  This is a state wide system partnering with the state of Florida to achieve statewide Amateur Emergency and non Emergency Communications. 

HB Link:  http://cnjham.msmts.com:8080/

NC4ES DMR Link:  https://nc4es.org 

Amateur Links

See info on SC HEARTS at: http://www.scheart.us 

See info on SARnet at:  https://www.sarnetfl.com/

Digital Mobile Radio, DMR information here in NC can be viewed at:  http://ww.ncprn.net 

TGIF Network:  http://tgif.network/talkgroups.php

AllStar/DMR Bridge:  

Hamshack Hotline: https://hamshackhotline.com

HH Dashboard:  https://blf.hamshackhotline.com/bridgeinuseblf.php

Zello:  https://www.carolina440.net/services/hamnet-zello.html

Public Safety Link to RoIP.

Tango-Tango Public Safety Interoperability:  https://tangotango.net/

VISAR is a Registered Trademark Name and LOGO in the Library of Congress. 

©2001-2018 Carolina 440 UHF Link System, A Non-Profit Division of Southeastern Emergency Communications Network, Corp. All rights reserved.
Ronnie J. Casey • K4JDR at juno.com • 84 Angie Road Raleigh, NC 27603-7336
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