Membership Donations                                                           
                                                                                        (Donate securely with PayPal below)

Anyone wishing to use the private features of the repeaters are asked to contribute for Full Membership. More Info can be obtained by e-mailing K4JDR at and or sending a donation by US Mail, Pay-Pal or other method using this the on-line application.

Full Membership $25.00 per year Goes to SECN equipment and general fund; member will be given an auto-dial slot if desired with a private user code list.
Family $30.00 per year  

Associate Member $15.00 per year
General Donations   Your tax deductible donations are welcome to help support the repeater network equipment, associated services, Insurance and fees.


PayPal: You can now donate online, by entering your donation of $10 or more and clicking on Donate. You will be redirected to PayPal to complete your transaction. If you are donating to become a member, please complete the online application after payment.

Donate with PayPal

Enter Amount

Southeastern Emergency Communications Network (SECN) and Carolina 440 UHF Link System are a 501 (C3) organization.

TAX ID # 45-5354176

Your tax deductible donations are welcome to help support the repeater network equipment, maintenance, associated services, Insurance and fees.

Contributions can also be made out and mailed by USPS to SECN.

Main Office Address

SECN /Carolina 440
c/o Ronnie J. Casey, K4JDR, President 
84 Angie Road
Raleigh, NC 27603

SECN Treasurer 
Krish Kanakasapapathi, W4VKU 

Any local clubs, charities or special event groups are welcome to use the repeaters at special events located in any of the coverage areas, even if they want to use it partially to eliminate radio traffic on a primary simplex or along with another Repeater that is being used. We can isolate each repeater so that it can be used independently or combined with the ones needed for coverage. Please contact, Ronnie J. Casey, K4JDR at juno dot com to schedule your event.

*911 Emergency auto patch is available at any time to Wake County 911.

If you are from another State or area and desire to use the IRLP-VoIP linking while in its coverage area, feel free to contact a control operator while here or e-mail in advance to K4JDR at juno dot com to assist you.

 Facebook: Southeastern Emergency Communications Network (see FB Icon at top of page).

On-Line Application Form


Ronnie J. Casey; K4JDR
SECN President
84 Angie Road
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-7336

©2001-2018 Carolina 440 UHF Link System, A Non-Profit Division of Southeastern Emergency Communications Network, Corp. All rights reserved.
Ronnie J. Casey • K4JDR at • 84 Angie Road Raleigh, NC 27603-7336
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